Ask THIS - not THAT

Conversation starters and stoppers to find out how your kid’s day really was


Makes sense, right?!

 Want more?! Here are some others from us AND other awesome parents like YOU!

  • How do you feel when you’re at school? And where do you feel it in your body?

    • We can share some visuals if that’s helpful - kids may not immediately be able to name feelings or describe it in their body if they don’t have practice with that yet

  • Would you like a snack?

    • Kids tend to talk more when their basic needs are met… this is not always happening throughout their day.

  • If you could bring something from home to school, what would it be?

  • If you could bring something home from school, what would it be?

  • Who would you want to do a group project with?

  • Who do you sit with at lunch?

  • What’s your favorite game to play outside?