Jesse Stiglich Music School @ Elements Academy

One of the best partnerships around!

These classes are held at 25 Brow Ave in Braintree, MA (formerly Monatiquot School)

Jesse’s bucket drumming classes are perfect for drumming dabblers or beginners. It’s a super fun, engaging, welcoming, and safe environment to learn through play.

We have THREE bucket drumming classes to choose from - 2 are during the day for homeschool students and 1 is after school for anyone!

All classes are on Tuesday’s at 25 Brow Ave in Braintree. Jesse Stiglich Music School has other classes and lessons available as well - learn more here.

  • 1-1:45 (ages 9-12) - homeschool

  • 2-2:45 (ages 13-17) - homeschool

  • 3-3:45 (ages 10-16) - after school

Limited space available due to small class size - register now! πŸ‘‡