In Our Elements! Vol III

Vol. III - The power of questions

Welcome to the Elements Academy newsletter, ‘In Our Elements!’

Here you’ll get a behind-the-scenes look at the magic of a child-led school (and life).

Written by Heather DiNino, Founder, Director, Educator, Elements Academy 🌳🌊☁️🔥

Each edition will have the following sections:

📓 IN THE CLASSROOM - Something happening at school in one of our classrooms (don’t worry, learning here is actually FUN)

🚙 OUT AND ABOUT - Something happening away from school! (we all know learning goes past the 4 walls, right?!)

📣 SMALL MOMENT SPOTLIGHT - The small moments that have the BIGGEST impact

🛠️ TRY IT AT HOME - your opportunity to DIY! An invitation to be more child-led at home!

✨ Ready for this week?! Let’s get started! ✨


Black History Month is the shortest month of the year—not to mention a month when many schools have a week off. Needless to say, at Elements Academy, we don’t confine Black history to February. We discuss, integrate, and honor Black history all year long.

This past month, as we explored Black history with kids of all ages and grades, it was fascinating to see what resonated most with them and let that guide our days. Some were captivated by stories they had never learned before. Others were drawn to particular individuals who challenged the status quo, connecting that history isn’t just something in the past—it’s something we shape every day (and desperately need now, for certain). And some were inspired by the joy, resilience, and wisdom that has endured despite centuries of hardship.

The beauty of a small, non-traditional school is that we can encourage and support each student in exploring what speaks to them - because we believe that makes learning (and life) much more meaningful.

We’d love to hear how you celebrate Black history—at home, in the classroom, and beyond—not just in February, but all year long. Share with us! (


Last week, Elements Academy hosted an Alternative Educators Gathering for educators in the Boston/South Shore area to come together, connect, and support one another. Alternative education is deeply rewarding—but it can also be exhausting—and we know that collaboration and community make us all stronger. By sharing our struggles and celebrating our strengths, we can have a greater impact on the students and families we serve.

Educators from Fusion Academy, The Accord School, Symbiosis, and Elements joined this gathering. It was fun, productive, and way too short! We’re already looking forward to our next gathering in April. Many other schools wanted to attend but couldn’t due to scheduling conflicts.

We hope to keep growing this community! If you know of any alternative educators or schools in the area who might be interested, please send them to for more information. Here’s to building a network of support, collaboration, and innovation in education! 💡✨


"Why did the White Lion go to Africa in the first place?!"
“How did they think to hide seeds in their hair?!”
“How spread out were the villages in Africa? What’s it like there now?”

This small moment spotlight begins—and ends—with WHY. Because a single question can change a life perspective.

As we read Born on the Water by Nikole Hannah-Jones and Renee Watson, the student’s curiosity took us even further. They wanted to know more - and no matter what book we read, what discussion we had, or what ‘lesson’ we taught, each student had their own connection point. The gold is in following those questions - those connection points - to find the true learning.

Because learning isn’t about memorizing dates.
It’s not about completing a worksheet.
It’s not about acing a test or finishing first.
(And, not coincidentally, these are all hallmarks of white supremacist culture.)

It’s about curiosity, creativity, and connection.

At Elements Academy, when a student asks why (or any question, really), we listen.

We don’t rush to answer. We don’t dismiss their curiosity or say we don’t have time.

We pause. We ponder. And we often ask more questions to keep the conversation going. Because questions rarely have a single simple answer. They open doors—to exploration, to understanding, to creativity, and to deep connection. In other words, questions are GOLD.

The student’s curiosities change the trajectory of our discussions — and perhaps even the way we see the world.

And if that isn’t the most spectacular Small Moment Spotlight, I don’t know what is.


Listen—really listen—to the questions your child is asking. These questions are gold.

We’ve all heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a silly question.” But let’s be honest—many of us grew up feeling otherwise. Maybe our curiosity was dismissed, laughed at, or met with impatience. And without realizing it, we sometimes do the same to our kids.

We brush off their questions because we’re busy.
Because we don’t know the answer.
Because the topic makes us uncomfortable.
Because we’re worried about who else might be listening.

With the millions of things demanding our attention, it’s easy to unintentionally shut curiosity down. But what if, instead, we paused? What if we let their questions lead us into deeper conversations, unexpected discoveries, and moments of true connection?

I’d love to hear what questions you heard! Email and let me know!


Until next time,

Heather 💕


In Our Elements! Vol IV


In Our Elements! Vol II