Welcome to your family wellness community
Parents & Families
Kids (all ages)
Don’t worry, they’ll actually WANT to come
You didn’t think we’d leave out the educators, did you?!
If you’re ready to shake things up and do things a little differently, we’ve gotchu.
This community came about after I became a mom and realized how isolating, lonely, and guilt-inducing parenting can feel. (Not to mention I had PPD and a plethora of medical complications.)
I’m deeply familiar with
the fog of surviving (not thriving);
escaping in facebook and food (and missing what’s right in front of me);
and wishing away the kids’ neediness (then knowing I’ll soon miss it)
It doesn’t have to be that way. You just have to find the right support.
Welcome to your community of family wellness!
Ready for support without shame?
I can’t be the only one who feels like the hospital sent me home with a small human and forgot to give me the manual!
There’s no shortage of parenting advice out there - but don’t believe everything you hear.
We’re here to help you learn the child you have and help you become the parent you are meant to be.
This community came about after I became a mom and realized how isolating, lonely, and guilt-inducing parenting can feel. (Not to mention I had PPD and a plethora of medical complications.)
I was deeply familiar with:
the fog of surviving (not at all thriving)
escaping in facebook and food (and missing what’s right in front of me)
and wishing away the kids’ neediness (though knowing I’ll soon miss it)
The community continues to evolve over the years as my kids have grown and I’ve stepped back into the classroom (teaching teens!)
Parents are now reporting:
google has crazy answers to parenting questions
advice from friends and family (though well-intentioned) doesn’t feel right
It doesn’t have to be this way - you just have to find the right support.
how did family wellness become part of elements academy?
(or how did Elements Academy become part of Family Wellness?)
2010: Heather (Founding Director) began teaching yoga to kids as sensory breaks while teaching in public schools. She saw how transformative it was - simply providing a space for kids to just be themselves, breathe and move their bodies was life-changing (and life-saving)
2017: Heather founded an inclusive family yoga studio with a mission to create a non-judgemental space for all families. Breathe and Play Every Day offered playful, fun classes where kids could be kids (like, for real kids) and parents and caregivers could come in exactly as they are. (BPED closed in 2020 due to Covid’s impact on small businesses)
2018: Heather created a Yoga and Mindfulness curriculum, programming, and teacher training. She shared this with yoga studios and school districts, to both teachers and students, as an alternative to traditional behavior management. This curriculum is the only of it’s kind, aligned to developmental milestones and state standards.
2019: Heather Founded Rising Tides Academy, an Acton Academy affiliate. The inaugural school year began in 2020 with 8 children (PreK-5) and grew to 15 by 2021. Yoga and mindfulness was organically woven into daily life at school - realizing the core values of Breathe and Play were truly, truly, truly core values - unshakeable.
2022: Separated from the Acton Academy affiliate network; Elements Academy was born! A school approved, now for PreK-12! Grew to 30 students and while still integrating wellness into daily life, additionally solidified online and in person programming for all families (not just those enrolled at the private school).
2023: Moved to Braintree (after a short stint at the old North Library in Weymouth)
The heart of each and every mission above is weaved throughout the community at Elements Academy.
We host in person family wellness and community classes at Elements Academy in Braintree and we have an abundance of support for you online no matter where you are!
“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
– Maya Angelou