1:1 coaching/consultation
If you feel lost in the sea of sleep deprivation and stress, I'm here to help guide you to freedom.
My superpower is helping YOU discover your own style so you can parent the way you were meant to - and live the life you know (deep down) you deserve. Your children chose YOU. Because you, and only you, can parent them the exact way they need.
I’ve spent my life focused on children - working, learning, researching, teaching… I thought for sure having my own kids would be a breeze. Imagine my surprise when parenting was NOTHING like the textbooks or hypothetical parenting situations that had existed in my mind for years!
Although you might look at my resume and see a clear path to where I am, it actually felt like anything but. I kicked and screamed my way through the ‘shoulds’ of society and multi-tasked my way through life - too busy time traveling between the past and future that I was missing the here and now.
Becoming a parent lit the fire under me to face my dragons and become the best version of myself. It is so freeing to be the parent, the mom, the woman, the human I am meant to be in this lifetime. (it’s also kind of f’ing hard - but so worth it). And if I can do it, you can, too.