🔥Virtual Fireside Chat🔥

Tuesday, August 22nd, 5-6pm

For parents of Middle/High school students

An evening to support one another and discuss:

what Middle School and High School should be (and could be) all about

This is an ONLINE event - register to have the zoom link sent to your email


Does any of this sound like your child?

  • feel unsafe at school

  • repeatedly asking to stay home

  • comes home exhausted, sad, or withdrawn

  • has a hard time finding friends at school

  • overwhelmed with the amount of homework and ‘busy’ work

  • anxious about presentations, performances, and tests

  • has passions and interests that are not incorporated into a traditional school day

  • has strengths and skills that are not noticed, appreciated, or valued

Change the environment - and your true child can come alive.


Do you believe your child deserves to be fully seen, heard, and understood?

We do, too. 

Does your child feel fully seen, heard, and understood in their current school? (Even if it’s homeschool!?) Do they know that they can be the best (most authentic) version of themselves?

They will, here.

This event is specially designed for tweens and teens to openly discuss what their ideal school is (and is NOT).

Adults/guardians/parents are invited to attend the event, as well. (School is something that deeply impacts the entire family!)



Want to know more?!

We love that! We are an open book and you can ask anything.

As an introvert with social anxiety, I can completely relate to wanting to know what I’m getting myself into before signing up. (Otherwise, there’s a couch and a blanket at home with my name all over it.)

Here’s what the evening will be like:

4:00-4:15pm - People are arriving and settling in. You’re welcome to chat if that’s your thing, or you can just grab a bottle of water to take to your seat.
4:15-4:45pm - Heather will ask the students about what their ideal school is (and isn’t). Students will be able to share openly, honestly, freely - without parent interruptions. (Yes, did I mention that parents will be seated on the other side of the room? You can listen. You can watch. You cannot interrupt or speak for your child.)
4:45-5:00pm - Now it’s the adults turn! Adults will be given the opportunity to share their perspective, thoughts, and feelings. Adults are also given time. to ask questions that are appropriate for the entire group.
5:00-5:30pm - You’re free to go at 5pm! You’re also free to stay for small talk or more specific questions. Heather (and snacks) will be available until 5:30pm.

Questions in the meantime?!

You don’t have to wait until the chat to begin exploring Elements Academy.

Email Heather with questions any time: hello@elementsacademy.org