Parenting Group

A heart-based, connection-focused group for parents of children ages 1-17

REAL advice - REAL support - in REAL time

This is NOT a series or a session - every Thursday is a standalone group and you’re welcome to attend any time you’d like.

Any time you’d like to come, you’ll register here or the buttons throughout the page

Oh, and take advantage - THE ENTIRE FIRST MONTH IS FREE!! (And after that, it’s only $35!)

You want to be a good parent. But HOW?!

  • STOP googling your parenting questions

  • STOP asking friends who don’t share your parenting style (or your kids)

  • STOP asking your parents (yes, they raised you; yes, they did the best they could; but no, it’s not how you want to parent, is it?!)

LET’S GET REAL: bring a real issue from your real-life to the group so we can help you work through it!

Here are some common themes parents need help with:

  • My toddler is having (embarrassing) tantrums in public

  • We can’t get out the door in the morning (or get anywhere on time!)

  • Our teen’s attitude is unpredictable and kind of scary

  • Our kids are fighting like crazy

  • I don’t want to yell (or give time-outs, or lose my temper…) but I did… now what?!

Sound familiar?

You’ll be surrounded with LOVE and ANSWERS (way better than google could ever provide)

While sharing anything personal, you will be actively and respectfully listened to - this is a safe space with no judgement allowed. We’re all human.

You will leave with ‘what to do’ (and maybe ‘what not to do’) and the WHY behind our advice (which is arguably the most important piece and is missing from soooooooo much parenting support!)

So you’ve heard all about what you WILL expect - how about what NOT to expect?


  • recommend time outs, grounding, or punishments (but no shame you if you’ve taken that route before - when we know better, we do better)

  • support behavior charts or a reward/consequence behavior system (again, no shame if you’ve tried those before - sadly, there’s a lot of outdated info out there saying this is the way to do things)

  • tell you what to do without explaining why and supporting you through it

We don’t expect you to know what to do or how to do it. We just want you come with an open mind and an open heart.

Coming to this Parenting Group is the best decision you could make for yourself, your children, and your family

 Group run by Heather DiNino, M.Ed, Founding Director of Elements Academy, Mom of two (pretty awesome) kiddos

 So, to review:

  1. Stop asking google, friends, and family for parenting advice

  2. Show up to the group with a parenting issue/struggle/question

  3. Leave with a next step feeling supported and confident

Doesn’t that sound easy peasy lemon squeezy?! I mean, not the parenting part… but the showing up to this Parenting Group part ;)