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about Elements Academy?!

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Want our 3-step BOREDOM BUSTER framework for FREE?

That’s right - if you’re sick of hearing, “I’m booooooooored,” you NEED this freebie. Like, yesterday.

And the best part?! You can bust boredom without,

You’re bored?! I’ll give you something to do! Go clean your room!!

Yes - less shame, more love, still the desired result.

Our email family is full of love and support and we think you’ll find it super helpful. But, of course, you can unsubscribe any time!


What brought you here?

Many families are experiencing (extreme) dissatisfaction with their child’s education. Many children:

  • don’t feel safe

  • don’t get to be themselves

  • don’t get what they need to be successful 

Whatever brought you to where you are now:


We’re here to help

We are a school where:

  • our students LOVE school - not avoid it

  • our families THRIVE - not just survive

  • our teachers are JOYFUL - not burned out

  • our community SUPPORTS each other - not just co-exists

🎶 Let’s start at the very beginning…

…a very good place to start 🎶

*please imagine Julie Andrews singing that the entire time you peruse this info - she brings so much joy, doesn’t she?!

What is Elements Academy?

  • An approved private school (registered with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education - DESE)

  • A microschool (purposefully small) to provide individualized attention and a cozy home-away-from-home environment

  • For students ages 3-18 (grades PreK-12) in multi-age groups

  • A nonprofit organization - mission first (every child should love school and get what they need in order to THRIVE)

What makes Elements Academy different?

  • Kids can eat, go to the bathroom, and move when they need (ya know, basic human rights)

  • Children are respected as humans and individuals (not expected to conform or fit in a box)

  • Mental health and social/emotional well being is a huge priority (the kids talk to each other - not sit in silence)

  • We support and educate the entire family (not just the child… or neither…)

What do students learn?

  • MA state curriculum standards and common core (as a starting framework for all subjects, though not restricted to their age/grade)

  • Intra- and Interpersonal skills: self and social awareness, confidence, and esteem of themselves and each other

  • Life skills - generalized and practiced constantly throughout daily life

How do they learn?!

  • Individualized, customized learning for each student (curriculum chosen based on strengths, interests, personality, and learning style)

  • Intrinsic motivation and interactive, engaging, hands-on opportunities

  • Self-paced - some days they rock through multiple units of math! and other days they need to cozy up and read a book

(And they learn for LIFE - not for tests)

What is a typical day like?

It definitely changes depending on the age group (and what’s going on with the kids that particular day…) but our rhythm always includes:

  • long chunks of time for deep learning

  • opportunities to work together and/or alone

  • outside every day (in all weather)

  • open access to ‘special’ rooms (art, music, sensory, makerspace, etc)

Check out each programs’ daily schedule on their respective pages: Foundations, Elementary, Middle, High

What are the teachers like?

  • JOYFUL - we have the best teachers around - they’re friendly, fun, and full of zest for life

  • BRILLIANT - lifelong learning is a pre-requisite: it’s about more than the college degree, it’s the learning that comes after (and the ability to see everything as a learning opportunity)

  • CARING - every teacher gets to know your child really, really, really well - we know when they’re on or off, having a good day or bad, and whether they need a hug or some space - we’re like extended family

  • PLENTIFUL - there are plenty of us and we’re always around! With an average 5:1 ratio, your child is bound to have an adult there to help them out or just to chat!

What types of kids do well at Elements Academy?

We don’t love labels or generalizations, but we have noticed trends over the years. Kids who THRIVE here tend to be:

  • Super curious (or they were, before their spirit faded… but it comes back even stronger, don’t worry!)

  • Extremely creative (they just see life a different way, ya know?!)

  • Diverse learners - in some way, they don’t ‘fit in the box’ - whether it’s a diagnosed disability, gifted, or 2E - a broken system does not mean a broken kid

  • Introverted, empathic, or highly sensitive - these are all superpowers, by the way; even if it hasn’t felt like it yet

and it could probably go without saying, but let’s acknowledge that kids who thrive here have families who prioritize them and want what’s best for them (even if it isn’t what they thought it would be)

What’s Elements Academy’s space like?!

  • Designed with the KIDS in mind (and always changing based on their evolving needs)

  • Cozy to feel like a home-away-from-home (living room, kitchen, decorations, etc.)

  • Variety of areas (library, sensory, art, building, play, tech room, music, etc) with access all the time

  • Flexible learning areas for group work and individual work




(and also mostly common sense, yes?)

This gets to be our every day life.

Want it to be yours, too?

Take the next step!


We offer year-round enrollment so there are no dates to worry about - just reach out when you’re ready!

If you’re hungry for more info, check out our FAQ page, our RESOURCES page, or reach out any time!! hello@elementsacademy.org

Want to know what type of school/education is right for your family?!

Take this quiz to find out!

“Never limit yourself because of others’ limited imagination.”

-Mae Jemison