Elements Academy School Info Kit

Are you ready for a school where:

  • Your child feels safe, seen, and understood

  • They love school so much they ask to go on weekends and vacations

  • They are learning meaningful skills and practicing them in daily life

  • They are building connections, confidence, and compassion - with themselves and others

This is what Elements Academy is all about.

What makes Elements Academy different?

There are many things that make us different from traditional school systems
(not just public schools, by the way - many private schools are very traditional as well)

Here are just a few things that make us stand out
We think it comes down to basic human rights and common sense:


🏡 Our new home at 161 Forbes Rd in Braintree is AMAZING!!

💫 We’ve only set up about half - but we think it’s pretty magical so far!

👀 Just WAIT until we have the whole space set up!!

Virtual tour of Elements Academy - now at 161 Forbes Rd, Braintree

Elements Academy is truly one-of-a-kind. We’re on a mission to reinvent education - because, let’s face it, isn’t it about time for the new paradigm?!

Our non-negotiable values include:

  • Every child feels safe at school (physically AND emotionally)

  • The relationship a child has with learning is more important than the actual ‘thing’ they’re learning

  • The connection a child has with themselves and others is a priority

*We go into more depth and detail with our full mission/vision/values non profit page - check that out here!

Ready to talk more?! Schedule a call to speak with Heather, Founding Director.


Want more?? (We LOVE that enthusiasm!!)




Excited?!? Overwhelmed?

It is a LOT to take in! It’s your child’s education - I’m really glad you’re NOT taking this lightly!

Want to talk more? I’m here for you!