Summer Programming

Ages 11+

A little bit about Elements tween/teen camps (then specifics on each camp further down)

WHO are THeSe camps FOR?

Any child ages 11-17 can come! (You don’t have to be currently enrolled in the school in order to attend our summer programming.)

We are very protective about keeping a safe space for all humans. We hold high expectations for kindness and acceptance of everyone regardless of race, gender, social identity, and abilities.

We do wish this went without saying, but our kiddos have experienced discrimination and bullying at other places so we like to be crystal clear to make sure our space stays safe - physically and emotionally.


On location at Elements Academy - 161 Forbes Rd, Braintree, MA (the ENTIRE 3rd floor!) plus two outdoor spaces.

Monday through Friday from 9am - 3 pm.

WHAT ARE the camps about?!

We have two amazing camps for this age group - read more to hear a little about each one! And we’re here for your questions - reach out any time

CAMP ABOUTINGS (out and about!)

We live in an AMAZING area - tourists flock here year-round, yet somehow we don’t always enjoy our own ‘backyard’

Let’s get in the van, crank the radio (ok, we’re dating ourselves… I guess we’ll crank the spotify?!) and go enjoy the awesomeness that surrounds us.

*Group max is 7 students so we have the time and ability to really enjoy our adventures! (and all fit in the same van!) This is definitely NOT your average ‘field trip’

run by Heather DiNino, van driver and outings lover, Founding Director & Elements teacher

available weeks of: June 17-21 (no camp on 6/19) and July 29 - Aug 2


Ready to explore some witchy wellness?!

We’ll explore all things magical and zenlike this whole week - reiki, chakras, yoga, astrology, tarot, mandalas, labyrinths, crystals, meditation - and it will be soooooo fun.

Everyone is welcome - no prior experience or knowledge required AT ALL.

run by Heather DiNino, Reiki master, Yoga instructor, curious about all things magical; Founding Director & Elements teacher

available week of: July 22-26

We’re here for whatever you need! Questions? Thoughts? Problem with registration?

Just shoot us an email!

(no ChatGBT here - just a good ole’ fashioned person you’ll hear back from within 24 hours)