Community Gatherings & Support

for local schools, businesses, and service providers who provide education to/with kids, teens, and families

NEXT EVENT - Wednesday, February 26th, 12:30-2pm

If you are an educator who works with kids or teens, consider yourself part of the ALTERNATIVE EDUCATORS Village.

While we support alternative educators throughout all geographical areas, these community gatherings are mostly focused on those in the Boston/South Shore area (including, but not limited to: Boston, Quincy, Milton, Braintree, Weymouth, Hingham, Dedham, Canton, Randolph, Stoughton, Norwood, Norwell, Hanover)

For any event, you are invited (not obligated!) to bring:

  1. Information about upcoming events / promotional materials to share

    We set up a table where everyone can share their stuff!

  2. Something you’d like support with in your work right now

    We structure our time together loosely with whatever we need - collectively and individually

You work with kids or teens and you LOVE what you do…

And you’re also exhausted… and beyond exhausted at the thought of doing it all alone.

You don’t have to do it alone!

It’s so much more fun (and efficient) to be part of a kind-hearted community.

Join this FREE event for coffee, convo, and community.

This community is for you if you want to:

  • Meet like-minded (and like-hearted) folks who get what it’s like to work with kids and teens #iykyk

  • Build more community, relationships, and support

  • Network, connect, and find your people

  • Share your upcoming events and promotional materials

Come any time and stay as long (or short) as you’d like

*If you’re a fellow introvert (like me) and hate networking events (also like me) don’t worry - this will be totally painless with NO awkward forced ice-breakers.

If you’re thinking, “Okay, this sounds fun, but I just don’t have the time.” then that’s all the more reason to come! Building your community is the gift that keeps on giving. Authentic connections and relationships means you can refer (and get referrals) with ease, combine resources,

If you love everything about this BUT the date / time, send me an email and let me know day/s and time/s that generally work for you.


(Did you know the term "RSVP" is an initialism of the French phrase, "répondez s'il vous plaît." which directly translates to "Respond, if you please." Cool, huh?!)

If you’re anything like me, you’re over-scheduled and wondering how to fit it all in (or how to remember what you even scheduled?!)

It would be really helpful in planning to know how many people are coming, so I’d really appreciate if you could répondez s'il vous plaît. (Look at us, speaking French!! A bunch of smarties, we are!)

Of course, you always reserve the right to not attend (#thatslife) but a quick RSVP would be super appreciated.

Hope to see you soon!! And please feel free to share this with any of your friends, colleagues, or neighbors (as long as they’re nice!)