My two cents on the book, The Highly Sensitive Child” by Elaine N. Aron, PhD

If you’ve ever wondered why your kid seems to have a PhD in “noticing things” (like the tag in their shirt or the one sound you didn’t even hear), The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aron is here to save your sanity—and your relationship with your little noticer.

Aron breaks down what it means to raise a highly sensitive child (HSC) with all the care and clarity of someone who gets it. She shows you that your kid isn’t “too much” or “too picky”—they’re wired to experience the world in HD, which can be both amazing and exhausting. She shares relatable examples and practical tips alongside science and research.

If you’re a parent of an HSC, this book is like a survival kit for the sensitive life—and trust me, you’ll need it.


  • Empathy and validation

  • In-depth research

  • Focused on strengths (thank GOD!!)

  • Focuses on the parent-child connection


  • She focuses almost exclusively on HSC being a temperament but there’s a LOT of overlap with neurodivergence and each complex individual (but it’s still a really super helpful backdrop)

  • I wish there were more step-by-step actionable steps (which is why I’m creating it….)

  • It’s not necessarily the easiest read. It’s full of research (which I personally LOVE) but it’s admittedly not the funnest, funniest, or quickest read.

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Is it worth a read?

Honestly, I’m in the middle with this one. I found it extremely valuable and have read it cover to cover multiple times as well as referenced bits and pieces as my kids (and students) grow, age, evolve, and change. So I love it. But I also think, depending on the depth you want to go and/or how busy you are, you might be ok skipping or skimming it. It can feel a bit overwhelming and dense, and I think a summary or overview (are cliff notes still a thing?) would be enough.


Resource Review: Sacred Rest
