Welcome to your
Elements Academy Digital Info Kit
We’re so glad you’re here
If you know deep down inside there MUST be a better way.
a better way of school
a better way of parenting
a better way of life
If you’ve been dreaming of a life where:
your child loves school
your family feels connected
you feel like life is a breath of fresh air
You’re not alone.
Families from all over are flocking to us for the same reasons you are.
Your new reality is within your reach.
Let’s get this party started!!
What are you most interested in? Choose your own adventure! 👇 (Or, like we all do, choose one and then go back and choose another!)
There are a lot of rabbit holes you could go down - just remember that wherever you end up, you can always head back here as home base. You have this link in your welcome email - even bookmark it if you want!
A private microschool (purposefully small school) that provides individualized learning for curious minds with a creative arts focus for brilliant kids and heart-based connection for compassionate souls.
A community (in person and online) for families who want to be the best version of themselves and bring out the best version in their children. Classes, workshops, and groups are all purposefully crafted to help you tune in and feel more connected.
Want to talk more? I’m here for you!