Parenting Without Punishment Vol V


Your weekly resource for raising children with compassion, curiosity, and connection 

(not consequences, coercion, and control)

Beneficial for ALL children - VITAL for highly sensitive children

If you're new around here, every weekly issue has:

  • 1. A RESOURCE REVIEW: Loads of info + my expertise put into the bite size bits you actually need to know (books, movies, podcasts, games, etc etc etc)

    2. TRY IT OUT! A simple activity to bring these ideas alive! (Resources are only worth it if they make your daily life easier or more enjoyable, right?!)

    3. GUIDED MEDITATION: Quick and easy (even on the go) and something for all ages (littles, kids, teens, and adults) - just press play for the gift of PRESENCE with a new meditation every week.

    4. Q&A: You can ask a question any time with this form and I feature a question every week with my answer to our daily parenting struggles.

    ✨ Ready for this week?! Let's dive in! πŸ‘‡

    πŸ“š Resource Review

    This week's resource review is really powerful - I created a document with questions from the form I started in the last edition. Check out your questions and my answers!

    🎬 Try it out!

    Ask a question!!! I'm keeping the Q&A form open and I would LOVE to hear from you. (In fact, I loved the questions so much they've become a weekly staple in the newsletter) 

    πŸͺ· Guided meditation

    This is for you - if you're reading this, it's your cue to listen. We all need more of this right now - and it's probably what we're doing the least of - Be Your Own Best Friend

    ❀️ Q&A

    Question of the week: Child (age 9) has a full blown meltdown when I try to correct their homework and show them how they’re wrong. How can we make homework time better (because right now it’s AWFUL) - do they just turn it in all wrong?

    Read my response here

    Yours in connection,

    πŸ’œ Heather DiNino

    Founding Director, Elements Academy

    All of the links in one spot:


Parenting Without Punishment Vol VI


Parenting Without Punishment Vol IV